About Us


A career security professional with over 18 years of experience in critical infrastructure protection in the nuclear industry.  Kevin has successfully led his department through regulatorily required federal inspections with zero findings or violations, conducted security defensive strategy evaluations, and has safely conducted thousands of hours of law enforcement/paramilitary level firearms instruction for a department of 135+ Security Officers and Supervisors.  A highlight of his career has been in the adversary program at Pilgrim Station and 5 other Nuclear Power Plants, serving as a team member and team leader as an adversary during force on force drills.  In 2018, Kevin completed Executive Security International’s premier training program, receiving his Certified Security Specialist and Certified Protection Specialist designations.  Since becoming a certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor in 2008 from the National Rifle Association (Patrol Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun), Kevin has completed the SigSauer Academy Master Firearms Instructor for Carbine and Shotgun, Tactical Dynamics Advanced Tactics Instructor, OCAT non-lethal spray instructor, and multiple armor’s certificates.  Kevin has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bradford College.


JAMES PIQUETTE - Co-Founder, Security Consultant and Instructor

A Marine Corps veteran who has spent the last 10 plus years serving in numerous roles within the nuclear security industry. His perspective spans that of the front-line officer responsible for the day to day operations of critical infrastructure protection to the supervisor providing command and control over a shift of personnel. In addition to being a certified NRA law enforcement firearms instructor, James has trained and developed over one hundred officers and supervisors including contracted employees on established departmental policies, procedures, firearm qualifications and government regulations.  Beyond his experiences training personnel, James has planned and managed projects exceeding one million dollars of security upgrades in preparations for evaluated force on force exercises and defensive strategy changes.  Over the last 5 years James has successfully led multiple annual and Nuclear Regulatory Commission evaluated force on force exercise as the lead controller, providing safety and scenario briefings and all after action reports.  James has a Master's Degree in Homeland Security from Southern New Hampshire University.